Dear Lois & WUNRN,
It’s Olga Grebennikova from UNICEF Kyrgyzstan. We’ve been in contact for a while when I use to work was UNIFEM in Southern Caucasus. I am getting WUNRN informaion and find it always extremely useful and a great resource for promotion of women’s and girls’ rights and gender equality. We also try to do our best here to share WUNRN information with Kyrgyzstan grassroots leaders, programs, and citizens.
For example, the power point presentatiion “Woman” showing in a very simple way equality of women and men – I got from WUNRN. We translated it into Russian, and showed the Russian version of “Woman” at the Kyrgyz Parliament where it was succesfully demonstrated on the eve of International Women’s Day this year. It was very exciting that after each slide ended, there was great applause of the Parliamentarians, mostly men.
Recently I got also your presentation on forced early age marriage. Since the issue of bride kidnapping is very significant here in Kyrgyzstan, we decided to bring this issue to the Women’s Club here. We will translate this WUNRN Power Point into Russian and show it, followed by discussion and plans for action. Currently, there are more than 2000 members of the Kyrzyzstan Women’s Club – both men and women, where influential politicians, academicians, artists, journalists, actors, musicians and international workers actively participate. So we would bring the global problem and solutions to the audience and hope public debate would follow.
Thank you so much,
Olga Grebennikova
Communication Officer
UNICEF, Kyrgyzstan

Dear Lois & WUNRN,
I must thank you sincerely for your immense support and encouragement that gave our Coalition the energy to create our Nigeria NGO Shadow Report for the UN CEDAW Committee.
The CEDAW Committee in its Review of the 6th Report of Nigeria, expressed serious concern about the persistence of entrenched harmful traditional and cultural practices, and called on Nigeria to take immediate measures to eliminate such practices, and by adopting necessary legislation. Nigeria must address the continuing prevalence of violence against women, including domestic violence. The Committee underlines its deep concern about the extent of Nigeria trafficking in women and children……
Lois, we of the Nigeria Women’s NGO CEDAW Coalition now are proceeding with a Post CEDAW Advocacy Program and thank you so much for having sent our Plan to the WUNRN ListServe.
Nkiru Okoro
Nigeria Women’s NGO CEDAW Coalition – COD