Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives! International Day of Action for Women’s Health 05/28/2016
Author: WUNRN
Date: May 23, 2016
International Day of Action for Women’s Health
Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives!
Women’s Health Matters
May 28 is the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. May 28th has been commemorated by women ’s health advocates and their communities since 1987 and has been crucial in the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) movement building. May 28 provides a great opportunity to remind our government leaders that Women’s Health Matters.
With the recent adoption of Agenda 2030, governments have acknowledged gender equality and women’s empowerment as crucial to sustainable development, while reaffirming the outcomes from the ICPD Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform for Action. Central to women’s empowerment, however, is the respect, protection, and fulfilment of the human rights of women and girls in all their dimensions, including their sexual and reproductive rights, and acknowledging the actual needs of all women and girls in all their diversities!
For over 30 years, women’s rights advocates and allies have mobilised all over the world on May 28, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health.
This year, WGNRR encourages its members, partners and allies worldwide to organize actions in their communities and advocate for women’s comprehensive health and wellbeing, particularly their unmet sexual and reproductive rights.
Mark the day! Mobilise and demand for a comprehensive, inclusive, and rights-based approach to women’s and girls’ health!
You can join the May 28 campaign by adapting and disseminating the May 28 materials; by engaging through social media, or by launching activities in your community.
Visit www.may28.org for past years’ materials and ideas of what to do in your communities!
Use May 28 hashtags
- #May28: use this hashtag when tweeting about May 28 activities and actions and sharing May 28 messages
- #WomensHealth: use this hashtag together with #May28 in tweets about women’s health issues and needs including their SRHR
- #WomensHealthMatters: use this hashtag together with #May28 in tweets calling on governments to ensure that a comprehensive, inclusive, and rights-based approach to women’s and girls’ health, including their SRHR, is prioritized in the 2030 Agenda
- #SRHR4all: use this hashtag together with #May28 in tweets demanding universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all people
Key Messages and Sample Tweets
- #May28 is the International Day of Action for #WomensHealth! Follow the conversation: #WomensHealthMatters
- RT if you’ll be celebrating the International Day of Action for #WomensHealth this #May28! #WomensHealthMatters
- Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives! #Agenda2030 must ensure #WomensHealth & #SRHR4all! #May28
- What’s central to women’s empowerment? Respect, protection & fulfillment of women & girls’ #humanrights, incl. their #SRHR #May28
- In #Agenda2030 govts must ensure a comprehensive, inclusive & rights-based approach to women’s health, incl. their #SRHR. #May28
Governments must uphold our rights to decide freely upon all aspects of our body, our sexuality & our lives #May28 #WomensHealthMatters