Gender and Peacebuilding -Advanced International Training Programme
Author: Womens UN Report Network
Date: October 6, 2015
Gender and Peacebuilding
Advanced International
Training Programme
A Five-Days
International Training Programme for Practitioners, Policy Makers, International
and National Agency Staff and NGOs working in peacebuilding, conflict
transformation and post-war recovery
Organised by
TRANSCEND and the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
April 10-14, 2006 Cluj-Napoca,
This course offers an introduction to
gender studies, analysis of the complex relationships between gender and social
constructions and between gender, race and class privileges. During the course
we will explore the interdependency between gender and power and focus on theory
and practices of gender roles in different societies. The course will seek to explore how
understanding of gendered social constructions can help in addressing gender
inequalities and promote gender equity and cultures of peace.
The course will then focus on
militarism, the war system and peace – as expressions of social and gender-based
constructions. It will demonstrate a direct connection
between militarism and gender based violence, gender based societal positions
and violent societies through examples from the Middle East, South East Asia,
Western and Eastern Europe, with emphasis on the Balkans and the
identity will be examined, via dichotomies such as passivity-activity,
hero-victim (heroism-victimhood / victimization), femininities-masculinities,
strong-weak and peace-war. It will
highlight gender issues related to war such as rape as a tool of war, human and
women’s security and protection strategies such as community based security,
national and international intervention and peace keeping operations in relation
to gendered power relationships.
texts used in the training will include : UN Security Council resolution 1325,
programme is particularly relevant for senior and middle-range staff and
executive officers working in the fields of:
building and conflict transformation
in such organizations as:
and international aid and development organisations
NGO and community organisations
EU, OSCE and international organisations
and community media
staff working in areas affected by violent conflict and war or in
post-war/violence situations
and local level politicians in
countries affected by war and conflict or with portfolios responsible for above
involved in grass-roots and community-based peacebuilding
of conflict transformation and mediation.
THE TRAINING PROGRAMME – April 10- April 14,
The Training Programme will take place from Monday
to Friday, April 10-14, 2006 at the Romanian Peace Institute in Cluj-Napoca,
Romania. Participants will be
expected to arrive by Sunday, April 9th.
The Training Programme will be divided into a
Morning and Afternoon session for each day, combining intensive training, group
work, and workshop sessions. There will be a one and a half hours break
for lunch and individual work in between, and additional breaks for tea and
coffee in each session. The programme will begin each day at 10:00, and run
until 18:00.
Monday, April
Morning Session: Introduction to the
Programme, Trainer and Participants followed by an Introduction to The
Difference between Gender and Sex.
Afternoon Session: Introduction to public
and private peace situations. Mapping: Gendered Power
Tuesday, April
Morning Session: Gender, Peacebuilding
and Identity
Women and Man in Armed Conflict Situations. Public
and Private Spheres (education into War and Sexism)
Afternoon Session: Gendered Dialogue
Process – Examples from dialogue encounters around the
Wednesday, April
Morning Session: Man, Women and Social
Constructions: Internalizing the Oppression (King and Queen
Afternoon Session: Film followed by
discussion about women and men in Israel and Palestine.
Thursday, April
Morning Session: UN Security Council
resolution 1325- Women’s participation in Peace Building and De-Militarization
of their communities.
Afternoon Session: Peacebuilding and Gender Mainstreaming:
Reality, and the Dream.
Friday, April
Morning Session: Past, Present and 10
Reasons: Reshaping the Future
Building a Peace Museum.
Afternoon Session: Reflections and
& Next Steps.
Applicants requiring visas for travel to Romania
are requested to send in a copy of their CV and the completed Application Form
no later than March 10th, 2006.
Applicants who do not require visas for
travel to Romania are requested to send in a copy of their CV and the completed
Application Form no later than March
15th, 2006.
There are a limited number of positions available.
If you are interested in participating in the “Gender and Peacebuilding”
training programme we would encourage you to contact TRANSCEND and to
submit your application as soon as possible.
E-Mail Contact:
Detailed information about travel to Cluj-Napoca
will be sent to those who have registered and been accepted as
Participation fees for the full 5-days training
programme are:
– participants from OECD Countries, North America, EU/Western
Europe and South-East Asia/Oceania: Euros 450
– participants from Latin
America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe: Euros 250
The participation fee covers accommodation,
participation in the training programme, and all materials.
Accommodation is
provided in double rooms. Single room accommodation is available for all
participants for Euros 100 extra for the
For any questions, or to receive further
information, please contact the Programme Coordinator, Alexandra Nerisanu,
Gal Harmat is a Gender Specialist. She
has extensive experience in conflict analysis, dialogue facilitation and gender
empowerment research. As a group facilitator she has conducted a large number of trainings at the IPCRI –
Israel Palestine Center for Reconciliation, in Jerusalem and Beit Lehem. Harmat
is active from 1991 as a dialogue facilitator in Reut Sadaka- Friendship- an
Arab- Israeli youth movement; she was the movement educational director for two
years. She has also facilitated many Jewish Palestinian encounter groups for
teachers and students. Gal has
worked as a group facilitator for the Seeds of Peace International Co-Existence
training in Maine, USA and for Jewish Palestinian, India-Pakistan and Balkan
multicultural groups.
worked as General Director, Mahapach – Student Movement for Social Change,
Israel. This extensive work included leading a staff of 30
full time community organizers and 400 students, negotiating with various
ministries, academic research regarding social
developments in communities.
She was the facilitator for various Gender Empowerment and Management
projects for NDC – Nansen Dialogue Center, under PRIO, in Dubrovnic (Croatia),
Podgorica (Montenegro), Mostar, Sarajevo and Bania Luka
has been in charge of gender trainings for
journalists, young politicians, lawyers and teachers. These comprehensive
trainings included field research regarding womens’ rights violations, centred
mainly around violence against women and sexism and the system of war. Today Gal
is teaching conflict transformation and gender at the Critical Pedagogy Center
at the Kibbutzim Teachers College and facilitating extensively Peace Dialogue
between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East. In the last twelve years Gal gave
hundreds of Peace Building and Gender equality and empowerment trainings in
conflict zones around the world.
TRANSCEND – A Peace and Development Network for Conflict
Transformation by Peaceful Means
TRANSCEND is a network
of more than 200 of the world’s leading practitioners and scholars in
peacebuilding and development from over 60 countries around the world.
Committed to the promotion of peace by peaceful means, TRANSCEND has 20 active
programmes, and conducts its work through action, education/training,
dissemination and research. With centres in Barcelona (Spain), Cluj-Napoca
(Romania), Geneva (Switzerland), Hagen (Germany), Honolulu (USA), Kyoto (Japan),
Moscow (Russia), Sandnes (Norway), Taplow Court (Great Britain), Torino (Italy),
Vienna (Austria), and Washington, DC (USA) – with several others now being
formed in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia – TRANSCEND has provided more
than 400 training programmes for over 8000 participants in 43 countries around
the world. Participants in TRANSCEND training programmes have included
politicians, diplomats, aid and development workers, teachers, psychologists,
social workers, journalists, civil service employees, UN staff, professors,
students, and others. In 2000, TRANSCEND developed the United Nations’
first ever manual on “Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The TRANSCEND
Approach.” In February, 2003, TRANSCEND launched the world’s first ever
truly global Peace University on-line: the TRANSCEND Peace University ( TRANSCEND
is involved in peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and post-war
reconciliation and healing in several conflict areas world-wide, at the
invitation of local groups, organisations, universities, governments, and
parties to the conflict. TRANSCEND
only works in conflict/war affected areas when it has been invited. Currently, TRANSCEND is doing research
on: Peacebuilding and Empowerment; Non-Territorial Federalism and Functional
Independence; Self-Determination and the Nation/State Dialectic; Peacebuilding
and Globalisation; Conflict Transformation and Psychological Assumptions;
Comparing Methods of Conflict Transformation from Micro, Meso and Macro-Levels;
the Dialogue Process; Local and Subsistence Economics; Models for Global
Economic Crises; Understanding Genocide. TRANSCEND has recently launched
the new TRANSCEND Media Service, and is in the process of developing the
Conflict Transformation Index (CTI) and TRANSCEND Early Warning Index
(EWI). TRANSCEND perspectives are freely available on the Internet
(, and a TRANSCEND monthly Bulletin is being prepared for
distribution in 12 languages.
PATRIR – The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute
of Romania
Founded on March
1st, 2001, the PATRIR, is an institute, organisation, training centre and
network, linking together scholars, grassroots activists, and peace researchers
throughout Romania, South-Eastern Europe and internationally. Its aim is
to address the core challenges facing Romania and the countries of South and
Eastern Europe, to strengthen and empower grassroots organisations and citizens’
action, to mobilise people for active peace work and peaceful conflict
transformation, and to address the structural causes of poverty, human rights
violations and economic and social injustice. PATRIR is an institute and
an organisation for research, training and active peace work. PATRIR
organises training programmes in peacebuilding and peaceful conflict
transformation; peace journalism; democracy and human rights; multi-culturalism;
empowering civil society; gender and peace; people-centred, sustainable
development; post-war reconstruction, rehabilitation, reconciliation and
healing; and, environment and ecology. Participants to PATRIR training
programmes frequently include senior politicians and diplomats, experienced aid
and development workers, UN and NGO staff, civil society activists, professors,
teachers, students, journalists, artists, and psychologists from Romania and
more than 30 countries internationally. PATRIR cooperates with TRANSCEND
as the TRANSCEND Centre for South-Eastern Europe. Since 2001, PATRIR has
been one of TRANSCEND’s leading international training
For more
information or to register as a participant, please
Alexandra Nerisanu,
Training Coordinator at
leave the list, send your request by email to: Thank you.
Categories: Releases