Gender at Work Framework
Gender at
Work has a holistic approach to social change. It links organizational change,
changes in the “rules of the game”, and gender equality. This is based on an
analysis of the role of social institutions or rules—both formal and
informal—in maintaining and reproducing women’s unequal position in society.
For a
basic description of the G@W Framework, read What Is Gender at Work’s Approach
to Gender Equality and Institutional Change? by David Kelleher, Aruna Rao
What is the level of women and men’s consciousness within the
Is there access to resources that provide such
What are the policies in the organization, and are they
resourced or staffed?
What are the key features of organizational culture and power
How are values and belief systems expressed?
What is the type of leadership?
The G@W
Framework asks such questions to help organizations explore new paths toward
gender equality.
Categories: Releases